Realpolitik 2022: Implications for Global Trade and Precious Metals When Great Powers Collide

April 12, 2022 at 11:20 AM (EDT)|Virtual Event - Online Only

Sumantra Maitra

National Security Fellow, Center for the National Interest

Dr. Sumantra Maitra is a National Security Fellow at the Center for the National Interest and an elected Early Career historian member at the Royal Historical Society, UK.

Dr. Maitra is currently a senior contributor to The Federalist and The National Interest, in the US, and a columnist for The Critic Magazine, UK. He completed his PhD in International Relations at the University of Nottingham, UK, with a Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship in Research Excellence. He also holds an MA with distinction grade from SMU, India; as well as a Master of International Studies from the University of Otago, New Zealand, with distinctions in International Politics, and Global Trade, where he was awarded the prestigious Coursework Masters scholarship.

His latest published papers include "Applied realism, American grand strategy, and strategic interests in the European balance" : Working paper presented at the Center for Security Studies, ETH Zürich, 2021,, and
“NATO Enlargement, Russia, and Balance of Threat", Canadian Military Journal, National Defence, Govt. of Canada, Summer, 2021; and forthcoming, “A lost opportunity of a grand bargain: security architecture between NATO and Russia”, International Journal, Canadian International Council, Govt. of Canada, Spring, 2022.

He can be found on twitter @MrMaitra.


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